Why donate?

After 10 years of teaching, I set up the charity ‘Intentional Health’ to improve lifestyle health and reduce health inequalities and improve lifestlye health and wellbeing.

Since 2009, I have been joined by a number of volunteers around the country, and continue to grow this work because a few “Intentional Health Angels” partner financially with us.

It means people who want to join our Intentional Health family, but don’t have the time, can financially support the work we don’t have the money to do! Once of many great examples of how people come together to do more collectively than we could individually :)

Becoming an ‘Angel’ also provides an opportunity for people who have been positively impacted by Intentional Health to be able to ‘pay-it-forward’ for someone else.

If you would like to join and become an angel too, please click here to find out more.

You can also sign up to recieve regular email updates as a garden digest member.

Alternatively, you can make a one off donation below if you want to directly support the learning that is going on alongside this charitable work!

Thanks for your consideration to partner.

Thanks to those who already partner, either by donating these much needed funds, or generously giving time, skills and prayers (and especially to those who do all of those!)

Grateful to journey with you, Niky :)

Partner with us to maintain this digital garden

