What Will I Study?
General, Seedling ·I am going to be a distance learning student at University of East London, studying a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.
What will I be learning?
There are a few branches of learning I’ll be sharing in this Garden.
These may include: 1) Building this website and digital Garden!
2) Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology concepts
3) How this Applied Psychology and Coaching connects with Intentional Health’s Charity work.
Why will I share this learning with you?
I want to share this learning with you, becuase I want my Garden to help us all to flourish in life.
You might have to be patient, as I am still in the “preparing the land” phase of development! so just like you have to wait for seeds to grow, you’ll also have to be patient with the content growing in here, as it will also be growing organically!
What to expect?
I expect the first seeds will be sown shortly after my degree starts at the end of September, so please come back then!
Once the garden begins to be planted, you can expect to find 3 stages of content, in various format’s!
Seedlings These are newly planted, are in the early stages, and probably won’t really look anything like what they will eventually grow into! These will be my early ideas and understandings as the topics are introduced.
I’ll be sharing these as you might be interested to find out more about what I’m planting though, so you can come back and watch it grow.
Budding Ideas These will be notes taking shape and starting to blossom. Idea’s will be rapidly forming, and you may begin to find things helpful.
Evergreen Notes These notes will be complete. They will resemble a traditional blog or research paper, along with applicable or actionable resources that can be donwloaded, and shared with others.